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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:17 Mon 18th Feb 2019 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
Monday. Another week underway for the working population. Quite mild outside this morning. I went for a short walk, still on the chilly side.
Nothing on the calendar for today, so some domesticity methinks. Such fun I have! :o}

Have a happy day everyone.


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Morning danny.
morning Danny xx

lightish now..breeeeeezzzy !!
One more adventure..... Why not. I will look into it properly I may just stick to volunteering with the local elderly ladies. I work quite happily for tea and biscuits. To be honest I would pay them just to have green space to work
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Rowan I'm a good cook. I'd feed you! :o}
you'll need a fair bit of gravel for a bog garden
I know, we have loads from the old gravel paths., Also loads of potting compost from my balcony as it's change year. Leaf mould and pebbles . Now to chat to a friend 're some plants as I know here needs sorting and thinning a bit.

primula..flag..always do well....lots of low lying too...
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Time for me to make a move.

Have a happy day everyone.
bye Boaty xx
Morning all, had a lay in this morning, still to venture outside, need to drop script into doctors for Mrs Tony ( just a repeat for her insulin) and post some mail, that's my tasks for the day.
Morning all. Again.

I fell back to sleep earlier and overslept.

x ❤ x ❤ x
Probably what you needed
Quite possibly.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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