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Bernie | 09:13 Wed 03rd Apr 2019 | Crosswords
34 Answers
1a. Very near, shut 25%of space(5,8)
12d.Cause price fall(5,4)????? Down
9a. Could be an Irish setter(5)m????
23a.Landing charge(7) s?o?a??
Many thanks


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Close quarters
09:14 Wed 03rd Apr 2019
Crossword Solver gives landing as storage.
If the answer isn't STOWAGE I'll eat my hat - along with any you'd all like to throw in!
What's wrong with 3?
3 surely refers to a quayside, jetty or the like for 'landing' not 'storing'
Things to do so will leave you to it.
Goods are stored on docksides after being landed.
All options considered, my opinion for what it's worth is that Shorage fits the clue spot on.

Obviously we don't know what reference 'Locale' uses, so maybe something more common will suffice.

Shorage \Shor"age\, n.
Duty paid for goods brought on shore. --Grabb.
[1913 Webster]
One of the answers given will almost certainly be correct as far as the crossword is concerned but that does not make it right.

i would have said stowage would have been satisfactory for placing the goods on the vessel

None are correct for the dockers fee to take the goods off the vessel, but once they have been landed on the dock either storage or stowage would be applicable
I've noticed that there's often a bit of controversy with this particular crossword.
I think the compiler is a bit of a maverick, but s/he certainly makes life interesting!
My answers are always informed by Chambers and that could be a problem here, because the setter probably looks far and wide for these 'definitions'.
I'll be currying the hats by the way.
That was my long-winded way of agreeing with JJ109 but I think mamyalynne might be right and Captain2's Americanism could be the one.
I think this is an Irish crossword puzzle - Chambers is most probably not the reference of choice.
Probably one of those we'll never know the result of I imagine.
I'm sure we'll never know, but I wouldn't want to steer Bernie towards (potentially) the wrong answer by being insistent.
And JJ109 obviously made a mistake in his last sentence - I'm sure that's supposed to read ' or sHoRage...'once to goods have been landed.
...(sorry) - 'once the goods have been landed'

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