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Panic Attack

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queenofmean | 00:17 Sun 07th Apr 2019 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I’ve just had one. The first in a long long time. Was very intense. I woke up with tummy pain, went to the bathroom and felt really shaky. Decided to get some paracetamol felt like I was going to faint. Make it back to bathroom. Where I was having the most intense shakes, so bad I was solid. Managed to ground myself enough to get back to bed. I’m still shaky my tummy is still a bit sore but I think the paracetamol is helping. I just feel rotten and taken a back.


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Keep chatting!!

Totally understand how horrific they are!!

Nice deep breaths to slow things down x
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I thought the worst Tinks I really did. It’s been 3 years since I had one that bad.

I’m doing the breathing and still working through my grounding.

I feel wide awake now though. Why do they always happen at this ungodly hour? x
God knows!!! I always have my worst during the night!!

Nice relaxation/meditation app used to help me doze off xxx
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That’s when I’ve had all mine too.

I usually listen to an audio book but OH is here. I might take myself and my kindle through and sit on the couch.

poor you, hope theyre soon over. Am woken by 'dirty stopouts' returning from clubbing, lost keys & sofa surfing at mine.
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Want to swap Tambo? I can’t seem to get back to sleep right now. Absolutely frozen.
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Meant to add me too!
climb under electric blanket with pods & lull to sleep x
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Tambo if your about I missed you as I fell asleep - yay. I’m just up. Feeling better but weirded out as to what was wrong to trigger the PA.
I don't know about you Queenie, but for me when everything is shit3 and worrying and difficult I never have nightmares or panic attacks, I'm too busy dealing with the circumvention of those like Boudica. But when things are going well I'm terrified. At the moment, touch wood, everything that matters to me in my life is perfect (in so much as some things can be) but I'm regularly having night terrors and awful nightmares about it and a nasty sense of impending doom has settled inside me and I think it's purely because I have things that matter to me now that if they were taken away would hurt me massively and irreparably, whereas normally that's not the case. I'm wondering because you have a lot of nice things coming up, your wedding etc, if it's maybe not something similar and there isn't actually anything 'wrong' triggering this, but rather something right. x
I hope you are better now Queenie. I used to get terrible panic attacks when I was younger...mostly when out and about though. At least then, home is safety. It would take half the day to get over them though.
My at home attacks almost left me crawling on the floor, as standing and walking made me feel awful.
Have you looked at the No More Panic website? Lots of useful advice.
I meant to add...frequently attacks happened after rather than during periods or events of major stress. Never during...thats when I coped. You've got a lot on your plate, maybe try some relaxation techniques to stave off worse happening.
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I notice them more when I’m feeling unwell. It’s like I have a fear of being ill. I don’t feel like anything is wrong or bothering me. Yeah I had a naff week last week but that was last week. Things have improved since then. I can’t say I’m stressed either - I feel really good. I’m sorry about your night terrors Calico. I’ve been having night weirds - a lot of dreams where I have magical powers, mums still around and oh and I have been in fights etc. We never fight in real life.

I’ll definitely check that out Pasta. I feel fine just my tummy bothering me that’s my only complaint xx
I meant to give you the link...
There's a forum and chatroom, so you could get instant advice if need be.
It is more usual to have them when everything calms down a bit. Your body has been using extra adrenaline for something stressful... keeps producing it and doesn't quite know what to do with it once the stress has gone. If you don't use it for "fight or flight"- which most of us don't and can't- it comes out with a panic attack instead.
It is really something that needs properly treating asap. The problem is, that the more panic attacks you have, the more your body will "expect" and prepare for them. Please see the GP and see what they say... Going without medication you might need, will not help you at all in the long-run and is likely to make them worse.
I really hope you are feeling a lot better now. It isn't linked to your blood sugar? Xx
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Thank you Pasta.

Pixie I haven’t had one in 18 months at least. If I start hanging them more frequently I will get seen. Trying to get seen down there is impossible. Sugars are pretty good so no connection there xx
Ok good.... yes, appointments can be like gold dust... :-) but you have nothing to prove by coping on your own. If help is available, use it while you need it xx

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