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sivam | 15:11 Wed 10th Apr 2019 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
Above charity looking for donations towards training of new members. I always supported but have not given sing]ce Whitby outrage when VOLUNTEERS were sacked when female on $40.000+ complained about Mugs. Sticks in the craw that this can happen!! 2018


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It's hard to comment without even seeing the damning image on the mug or the social media content but it is a sad outcome to lose such dedicated volunteers.

As regards the Charity donating, that as always has to be a personal choice.
Imagine giving eighteen years as a volunteer......saving lives at sea.......then to be sacked in a phone call and laughed at when you put...or try to put across your side to a group of people who have never supported you after some of the experiences you've gone through...... :-(
I know, hard to imagine there was not a better way to deal with this.
Talking of Mugs.
These PC creatures are ruining normal peoples' lives 24/7.
Once in a while they do something so egregious it unites everyone (except other low IQ people who go on PC courses)against them.
Then, and only then, does their secondary narrative emerge.
In this case, hurty Facebook posts they never mentioned before.
In the case of British Transport Police, they were worried the money (for the poppies they banned)wouldn't go to the British Legion.
And then, laughably, their fellow PC infested dullards can say 'See, I knew there was more to this story'.
Aaand, everyone lived happily after.
Well... spice.... some people think first, before believing everything they read. If you consider that "low iq" I can live with that :-)
> I knew all that, Ellipsis

Fair enough. I didn't post it for you, merely as a general observation since everything that went before, including everything you'd written, did not reference the information in that link.

You wrote:

> When this happened I contacted them for more information. They replied with a load of waffle so I decided to no longer support and I removed them from my will. I informed them of this and the reply was that they were sorry to hear this but there was more to the story than had been made public so would I reconsider. Only, I replied, if they would tell me the whole story. They didn't respond

> If I were to continue donating, Simvan I could only do so if I knew the whole story. To tell me that there was more but I wasn't to be told isn't the way to get my smacks of deceit

> No, Pixie...I disagree. Deceit = something to hide. I don't donate to an organisation with something to's why I resigned from Save the Children and why I now only work with or donate to organisations and charities that are open and above board

They could not discuss the whole story because an appeal was in progress. Once the appeal was done, the whole story became public on their website, where I linked. If, knowing the whole story, you still wanted to withdraw support for the RNLI that was your choice. But nothing you posted suggested anything about the actual events that led to dismissal:

One volunteer was stood down for social media activity which targeted a member of RNLI staff without their knowledge and produced graphic sexual images which went far beyond banter. The other volunteer produced a hardcore pornographic image of a fellow crew member on a mug. Some newspapers created their own image of a mug, but the actual image produced by the volunteer was so graphic that no newspaper would be able to print it without breaking the law.
I still can't give detail but I was involved in something similar when I was at work. Some of us knew very well what was actually happening and the only surprise to us was that it took management so long to take action...and yes they had been informed. When the incident hit the local press, the disciplined staff were portrayed as angels and local people including the MP came out in support. Whistleblowing staff were described in the paper as malicious liars. The local MP demanded a public enquiry which the managers refused on the grounds of confidentiality but eventually the MP was allowed to see documentation relating to the behaviour of the disciplined staff. At that point he made a statement to the effect that "there would be no public benefit" to pursuing the matter further. We will all have our own opinions and I suggest that none of us know the facts of this case. From my own experience I know how far the media can deviate from the truth.
They can twist, turn and mislead as much as they think it will sell. They only are not allowed to outright lie. But there really is no need to.... people will leap to their own conclusions of whatever they want to believe.

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