Food & Drink1 min ago
Where Will It End.....
https:/ / etimes. rticle/ gallery -covers -up-art -after- complai nts-by- muslim- viewers -wvc87f zlr
Or maybe you agree with it.
Sorry it's behind a paywall but I'm sure you get the gist. I have the article in front of me if you want more info.
Or maybe you agree with it.
Sorry it's behind a paywall but I'm sure you get the gist. I have the article in front of me if you want more info.
I don't suppose anybody ever thought of saying 'no' to these constant chippers away. It's quite easy, doesn't take any effort at all.
12:18 Sun 05th May 2019
The willingness to compromise as in meeting someone halfway is a good way fo resolving conflict when negotiating differences with people of good will, Birdie.
Unfortunately Christians remember the injunctions to "turn the other cheek" and "if he forces you to go one mile then go with him for two". Few Muslims would understand(far less respect) the moral principles underlying these ironic and counter-intuitive teachings of the Gospels.
So, as you point out, concession is uni-directional and will end, failing an unlikely recovery of cultural self-assurance and moral, in capitulation to an imported and aggressive barbarism.
Unfortunately Christians remember the injunctions to "turn the other cheek" and "if he forces you to go one mile then go with him for two". Few Muslims would understand(far less respect) the moral principles underlying these ironic and counter-intuitive teachings of the Gospels.
So, as you point out, concession is uni-directional and will end, failing an unlikely recovery of cultural self-assurance and moral, in capitulation to an imported and aggressive barbarism.
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I suppose we could debate from now until the end of time, but the Artist himself made the decision.
//However, in response to the complaints, SKU suggested as a compromise the works should remain on the gallery wall but be covered up with sheets.
“It seemed a respectful solution that enables a debate about freedom of expression versus the perceived right not to be offended,” he said in a statement to the Sunday Times.//
//However, in response to the complaints, SKU suggested as a compromise the works should remain on the gallery wall but be covered up with sheets.
“It seemed a respectful solution that enables a debate about freedom of expression versus the perceived right not to be offended,” he said in a statement to the Sunday Times.//
The ratchet effect you describe is the Islamic legal concept of "waqf", Birdie: permanent endowment of property to Allah. Once property has been willed to Allah, or territory has been seized from the House of War and become incorporated in the House of Islam, those endowments last forever. One reason why there can never be a peaceful resolution to the State of Israel issue. forever.
https:/ /en.wik ipedia. org/wik i/Waqf
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You've totally misconstrued, probably on purpose, what the artist is saying, mamya.
He's covered his pictures, not because he thinks they are offensive but as a protest against ' the perceived right not to be offended,' of Muslims.
Anyway, when the 'moderate' Muslims at Quilliam make thinly veiled threats against you, 'They are really dangerous, it's the Satanic Verses all over again' you'd best do something if you value your life.
He's covered his pictures, not because he thinks they are offensive but as a protest against ' the perceived right not to be offended,' of Muslims.
Anyway, when the 'moderate' Muslims at Quilliam make thinly veiled threats against you, 'They are really dangerous, it's the Satanic Verses all over again' you'd best do something if you value your life.
elton john had his henry scott tukes seized
buut all I can find is this
https:/ / andard. ews/elt on-john -defend s-photo graph-s eized-i n-child -porn-a rt-raid -665746 5.html
Tuke as a Cornish arteest who used to paint boys swimming and fishing - without an awful lot on
elton john had his henry scott tukes seized
buut all I can find is this
Tuke as a Cornish arteest who used to paint boys swimming and fishing - without an awful lot on