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Almost Cried (But Didn’T)

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sherrardk | 07:41 Tue 21st May 2019 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Just taken the things to school for a 4 day residential to London, was doing really well but thing 2 looked like he was about to wobble (which made me wobble). Didn’t cry but was a bit sniffy walking home and then I rescued a woman crumpled up, half-on half-off the pavement next to a dead cat - strange start to the day.


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RR. Stop it now !!!
lol annea
Sigh - I refer to my much loved children as boy #1, boy #2, girl and thing 1 and thing 2 so wind your neck in.

Have you got that the right way round?
thing 1 and thing 2 are characters from a children's story
Good grief. Go to work for 4 hours and this carp is still being discussed when I get home!
perhaps if there'd been an apology forthcoming for calling someone disgusting people may have stopped discussing the crap you posted

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Almost Cried (But Didn’T)

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