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"despite not having the faintest idea about how. "

I'm sure you know it, but a big clue is to look at how The Donald is draining the swamp.

First priority is to get into a position of power then the removal of the Metropolitan Elite who represent only themselves, and maybe London all the time listening to the voice of the Majority (I know you wont get that Ich, but thats what it is about.
Yes, although that seems an odd comparison because Trump's idea of draining the swamp seems to be to fill it up with (a) members of his own [extended] family, and (b) hiring (and then firing soon after) various people who have been around the Capitol for decades already.

So citing him doesn't actually set a great precedent, no matter your politics.
"hiring (and then firing soon after) various people who have been around the Capitol for decades already."

When they prove to be part of the problem they go. What is the problem with that? Years becoming institutionalised is not a good trait when it is proved they should be removed.

For many the POTUS is doing a good job, whatever you personally think.
My point is that it isn't really an effective way of "draining the swamp". I don't doubt that Trump's approach is appealing to some, for one reason or another. But he has had far less of an impact on how things are actually working than you give him credit for. Either in 2020, or 2024, he'll leave office, and then it will be no shake up but merely an unfortunate blip.
Inside Jim's head...
The Brexit Party is a party for Brexit. Purely and simply. Nothing wrong with that, but all the other stuff is padding, over excitement call it what you like. Nigel Farage has zero vision for Britain other than that he wants it to leave the EU. If and when it’s achieved he will most certainly melt away.
Donald Trump had the huge advantage of being able to run for office as part of one of America’s two great parties a party moreover which had already been radicalised for want of a better word by the Tea Party movement.
Although he didn’t expect to win he did aspire to the top office. Ask Nigel Farage if he wants the top job in Britain and he seems genuinely appalled by the idea.
He was confronted by someone on the campaign trail last week who calmly asked him for his vision and views for future that went beneath the slogans and he was literally speechless. He also was at a loss when queried by Krishnan Guru Murphy on the news.
Milkshakes maybe easier to deal with :-)
I don't watch US Cable news. Do try harder, spicey.
An unfortunate blip that will see your swamp-dwelling heroes where they belong, Jim, in prison.
Well, you obviously didn't watch the video. Try harder, jim.
My point is (as I'd have thought you'd have known from watching your own video) that those news channels don't have an influence on me.
And my point was you didn't watch the video before commenting on it.
Loads of people do it. I put a 20 minute Farage speech up and 3 lefties said he was talking rubbish within 2 minutes. ;-)

^ Lol. I pressed the wrong button(s) while typing that and disabled my computer.
(unless you did something)

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