hi my daughter has just turned 1 and although i have tried many things to keep her asleep longer in the mornings nothing works. she is always up at 6 ive tried black outs , giving her a biscuit and milk then leaving her. i just dont know what else to do
my friend gave her 2 year old early riser a kids alrm clock, and told her that she should get up when the alarm goes off, she gradually set the alarm half an hour later from her regular 5.30 rising and eventually got her to 7.30, she now sleeps through until the alarm goes off, if she doesnt she will happily play in her room until the alarm goes off!
If she is sleeping right through then you will be the envy of many a parent who are up god knows how many times in the night. Its quite normal and all you can do is give her something to occupy her.
when my 14 year old was 1 she always woke up at about 5.30am.
i tried everything to get her to sleep in later - nothing worked.
the only time she ever slept in was on Christmas Day! it got to 8.30am and she still hadn't woken up so i had to go and check that she was alright, which obviously then woke her up!!
I had two of my grandchildren at the weekend.B is three and her brother is only 9months. (they do have two more sisters 6 and 9) but only had the two. anyway the baby slept until 8.30 on saturday morning and then I had to go into him to see if he was ok. and my granddaughter woke up at 8.25. sunday both to about 8.oclock. They went home last night. daughter rang this morning tp say baby was awake, as usual, at 7 and so where the other ones.! non too pleased that we had layin and she doesnt. Brenda x
I usually wake up at about 6, my mum and gran get up at 5am. There's not really much you can do if thats the time you wake up.
Saying that, my son used to get up early, now I have to drag him out of bed
If your little one sleeps thru till 6am then I would count your blessings!! My son didnt sleep through the night till he was almost 6 years old!! And even then he would wake any time from 5.30am!! Only now less than a year later is he sleeping 12 hours a night,but I never complain when he wakes early as I appeciate the unbroken night sleep so much!!
When she is a bit older, you could perhaps do what we did.
All the breakfast things were kept on a low shelf in the cupboard,(cereal, sugar, sliced bread, butter, jam, bowls and plates, milk in fridge) they could get up when they liked as long as they didn't wake us.
If she can't climb out of her cot just leave her with her toys if she'll let you.