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Weird Encounter

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Caran | 00:15 Sun 30th Jun 2019 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Yesterday at Lidl I spotted my daughter in the car park. Couldn't understand why she had a different car. I got to about four foot away and realised it wasn't her. She was an absolute dead ringer. Never seen anyone so alike to someone I know.
The lady must have thought I was very odd by the expression o on my face.



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Oh how strange.
I do this so often that I have a dictionary of oops sorry wrong man/woman in a variety of languages

another of my family has dysprosopognosie - no not second sight - that one where you cant recognise people
so we make a right pair
I was at the theatre recently and saw a woman in one of the boxes who looked exactly like my mum. Same hair, face, demeanour. My mum died 4 years ago so it was a bit strange. I couldn’t stop looking at her.
Perhaps you have simply forgotten that you had twins.
Met a guy in Morrisons who I hadn't seen for some time. Had a short conversation with him, all the usual how are you etc. Later when I did meet the guy I knew I realised I had been chatting to a total stranger in Morrisons.
The brain plays such strange tricks on us.
It’s said we all have a doppelgänger. I met mine.

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