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Bliss ...

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pastafreak | 22:08 Mon 05th Aug 2019 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
For a Highland cow :-)


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Wonderful - thanks Pasta
That is lovely, thank you Pasta.
WOW, look at it's horns. Good job it enjoys the brush.
There probably aren't that many videos with a title starting "Big horny fluff . . . " that are actually acceptable on AB ;-)

She's lovely though!

So that's what Douglas does on his time off ;o)
Aww it won't open for me ..
Thanks mamya, that was LOVELY ..
Fabulous isn't it?

Ta to Pasta.x
Lovely, very mooving, ta Pasta :-)
Hope this works! The video that follows it is also very sweet and quite moving...
Even the guy doing the brushing can have a beef about life at large....

very cute, pasta..
Genuine - that was beautiful.

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Bliss ...

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