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sherrardk | 21:12 Tue 06th Aug 2019 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Just finished ordering all the stuff for the start of school. Not much for boy #2 and girl but the things need everything new (it’s the ‘rule’ when you go to high school). Just stupidly realised that I should have staggered it a bit as I now have 14 deliveries due :(


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Oh heck and they won't all come together will they?
>>> . . . I now have 14 deliveries due.

That makes you sound like a midwife ;-)

BTW: Despite all your advance planning, I'd be prepared to bet that you'll still realise that there was something you forgot when it's too late to do anything about it! Life's like that ;-)
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Doubt they will, plus it’s keeping track of it - the logo’d uniform came today, it’s so expensive I’d keep it in a safe if I had one :)
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Won’t forget anything Buenchico - I’m über organised :)
Hope they all arrive on the same day, sherr !
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Tony - Hope it doesn’t all come when I’m out, I won’t be able to get the front door open!
Looks like the back door then, sherr.
I've just looked in my crystal ball and this is what I see . . .
Your recycling bin will be full :-)
Lets hope they don't have a growth spurt in the next 2 weeks!
PS. One of my hedgies arrived for his tea before 9.30 tonight!

I had the feeding station up, having put out his seed an pellets, and got there with his dogfood and came face to face with him!
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They seem to be coming earlier at the moment (I saw three last night) - maybe because it’s a bit cooler/chilly in the evening?
Oh blimey! Hope they’re all pain-free deliveries lol
Mine usually come from about 10pm.

One goes straight from one dish to the next dish for immediate seconds!
I would absolutely love to see a hedgehog. No chance where I live :(

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