If and when we leave the EU, will that mean that our fishing trawlers will no longer have to throw perfectly good fish over board just because they've gone over their allowance. It does seem a crazy idea when the fish are half dead anyway after being in the net and hauled aboard. I would think they only get eaten as they fall by other fish anyhow.
While EU quotas will no longer apply after 31 October (in a 'no deal' scenario), or after the end of 2020 (with a deal), the UK might well impose its own quotas on British trawlers (which could possibly be in line with EU ones anyway). Fish stocks aren't suddenly going to improve, so some restrictions would seem to be necessary, particularly as British trawlers will then become restricted largely to home waters.
We do not have now enough FPV to patrol our territorial fishing waters, keep the ‘water gypsys’ out and control both seabed stock catches as well as free swimming fish . That was according to a retired Rear Admiral.
We have about six Fishery Protection Vessels which are not sufficient at the present.
They don't have to throw them overboard now surely ? All they do is ensure they don't catch more than their quota over the season and then they can bring each full catch back to the fish market.
I'm not saying let our guys have a free hand and drain all stocks of fish to a point of no return, but I was watching a program some time ago were the trawler was pulling in its last net to for fill its quota for the trip. that last net made the trawler very slightly over, and it was just dam silly to throw the excess overboard.
The fish inthe sea will eat them and grow bigger. Fish can and do recover after being caught. If you give fishermen free reign to catch what they want they'll just suck every fish out of the sea and then blame the government for allowing them to do it!
( if you give fishermen a free reign ) Who said this???
I wish some folk would read a post / question properly before going off on their own little tangent.