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Buenchico | 19:38 Fri 16th Aug 2019 | ChatterBank
68 Answers
. . . for me this week.

After last week's amazing (for me) score of 6, I'm back down to my regular 3 this week. So it should be nice and easy for you all to beat me!


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I have joined Gromit's club, 0/7.

I shall slink into a corner and hang my head in shame, while reading up on the news.
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Another 3! Welcome to The Club, Alba!

(I'd heard of BTS but I wouldn't have been able to put a name to the band if I was shown a picture of them).

Oh well, at least you've got some company, Marval! (Better luck next week!)
I thought BTS was a syndrome but it turns out it stands for Bangta Sonyeondan which means "bullet-proof boy scouts" (maybe there's a fierce rivalry with the Korean Guides?)
2. Rubbish.
Back down to 3 this week - hopeless
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3 can't be 'hopeless', Haras2. It's what I got!

Oops, Naomi! At least you've got two more than certain people around here ;-)
Late to the party this week, 3 for me ( heading for a big 0 until the last 3 came along).
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Latecomers are still welcome, Campbellking - especially when they score the same as me;-)

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