As I prepare for his funeral I thought I would share something I wrote that will be read at his funeral- not by me though I don’t feel strong enough!
My dad....
The first man I ever loved
The first man who told me no more animals! (How’d that work out?)
The man who sat up for 8 hours trying to put together my Sindy house but never quite getting it right.
The man who broke his heart over the death oh my beloved hamster
He was never afraid to rise to a challenge- like driving a caterpillar over a portacabin in the middle of winter up Mount Kent ! Well there was a case of lager at stake.
Or the time he said he would teach me to drive.... 1 lesson and 1 bottle of brandy later professional lessons were sought!
The bikes he built us probably wouldn’t be allowed under today H&S but boy they could take a jump.
Never afraid to stand up for himself and others
He’s 5 foot 9 you know!
He also couldn’t spell! When asked for a note because of my verruca the note read and I quote ‘please excuse Martine from swimming as she has growths on her feet’
Never afraid of what life dealt him
Well life dealt him the final bad hand, but dad you fought hard rest easy you old grump futak.
My dad my hero.
When we were kids and used to say ‘why’ all the time he had a saying
‘Because Y is a crooked letter and you can’t straighten it’!
That bloody saying pops into my head now every time my nieces and nephews ask why!