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Flaming Norah!

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Jackdaw33 | 22:38 Tue 27th Aug 2019 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Thought it was too good to last. Now thunder and lightning on North Tyneside and it's bucketing down 'comme les vaches qui pissent', as the French delicately put it. Bye bye summer.


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oh heavens I have had enough of high twenties heat
North Lincolnshire got it 4 hours ago. Grimsby football fixture was washed out.
A couple of mates shared a couple of recordings of the thunder and lightning they had near Cleethorpes earlier.
Quite impressive.
^^^ The same area, Grimsby ground is at Cleethorpes.
Had a few drops of rain this afternoon in the West Midlands, I thought that it was the prelude of a coming thunderstorm but no the few spots of rain disappeared after about ten mins and there has been no rain since.
We were forecast storms today in Lancs, it simply turned dull and cloudy.
Nothing here in London yet!!
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Seems to have stopped now. Probably working its way up the north-east coast till it hits Scotland.
send it my way please!Its been another long hot summer here again at Clacton. and the ground is like concrete and ponds very low.

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Flaming Norah!

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