Body & Soul4 mins ago
The World Has Gone Mad
https:/ / depende k/news/ uk/home -news/s chool-g ender-n eutral- uniform -protes ts-lewe s-east- sussex- police- a909463 6.html
And the parents should be ashamed, in fact one such mother was just on GMTV , her dress was nearly around her thighs.
Just wear your uniform because when you eventually enter the work force, there's rules to be adhered to that you'll have to follow!
And the parents should be ashamed, in fact one such mother was just on GMTV , her dress was nearly around her thighs.
Just wear your uniform because when you eventually enter the work force, there's rules to be adhered to that you'll have to follow!
I think girls wearing trousers as part of their school uniform is a sensible idea. It's nearly impossible to enforce a skirt length - think of the outrage if girls were made to kneel down to check if the skirt touched the floor as was the practice. It would have been much more sensible if this schools head had kept gender out of the equation.
08:21 Mon 09th Sep 2019
Checking ain't that difficult. Make a rule that says on the knee, be unstrict and if it's an inch off turn a blind eye, if it's less modest it'll be too obvious to need any measurement.
Meanwhile here's to buying shares in 2" leg trouser manufacturer's; well girls/women like trousers that have rowed with their ankles don't they.
Meanwhile here's to buying shares in 2" leg trouser manufacturer's; well girls/women like trousers that have rowed with their ankles don't they.
I can not stand trousers that are too short.. which seems to be a trend for men these days in those male checked leggings.
https:/ /encryp ted-tbn 3.gstat shoppin g?q=tbn :ANd9Gc Tj_Y6j7 zjHHS9S ASoIdmL n1_zs5e C0OTemY sq_gF9y eVVntQP YFjg_dT bj1mnQB JBNWtvA d3w28R6 01O5ln0 wIXtkoX Cp65YzF 8Sv6iUu ymB2Dza Xz2b2t& amp;usq p=CAc