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jennyjoan | 20:22 Sun 06th Oct 2019 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
The volume on my toshiba32D1333db just goes up to the highest point of 63 - I have gone into settings and again it just goes up to 63. My TV downstairs goes up to a 100. Is there anyway I can set the volume higher.

I won't be torturing the neighbours as it is always headphones. Thanks for any advice.


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Hi JJ, I could be wrong, but I think someone, possibly Chris explained about headphone volume to you a day or two ago. Will see if I can find what he said. x
Actually it was last night .
If you're not getting any sound through the headphones, check that the level isn't set too low. Go into the Menu and then to Sound Settings. Select 'Headphones' and then adjust the volume:
If you don't understand the manual, perhaps someone could explain in layman's terms. Chris, where are you? x
jj if max volume is 63 and not loud enough you need to by a booster.
Or get your hearing checked!
Can you not hear anything without you earing aids, jj ?
Or Hearing even.
Question Author
I am profoundly deaf LOL - big time - yeah I am hearing Jon Benett through the headphones but no hearing aid in - but God bless ye's all. Am going to go down and get the hearing aids - now I'll be blasted and that I love.

Shame on ye's all for not knowing I am corned beef. LOL - Have a good night as I am. xx

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Right - have put in the hearing aids in - greaaaaaaaaaaaaat. Don't understand ALL the words but the music is beautiful.

Remember I'm like the the 3 wise monkeys.

Ah well a trip down stairs then, jj. Never mind though at least you'll be able to hear your programmes properly.
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thanks TonyAV - - looking forward to my Sean Coyle tomorra - am going to tape him and then listen to him at my expense.
Ah yes, he's that radio dj that you like isn't he.
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he is Tony - my life is so enriched with the music I can hear through the headphones - and I thank Buenchico for introducing them to me after over 60 years with not hearing all the lovely music I can now hear.
That's great, jj.

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