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Cadbury Orange Twirl

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gina32 | 22:17 Thu 03rd Oct 2019 | Food & Drink
20 Answers
Hi, has anybody in the u.k bought one of these yet as I cant seem to find anywhere that's selling them.


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No, none spotted here. I didnt know they even existed.
I've been looking for that new Cadbury Darkmilk!! Cannot find it anywhere.
That Dark Milk is nice, Sharon. I had some a few weeks back ( can't remember where from though.
Looks like the Orange Twirl is selling out fast, gina.
You following me?
mamya Stalker alert! :-) x
Irresistible :-)
Guess I'd better get down to Tesco.
Since Cadbury's sold out to the yanks, who changed the recipe, their chocolate has gone from being the finest to utterly vile. The last time I had some I was physically sick. I wouldn't touch it withe a bargepole.
mamya, It's that nurses uniform that does it. x
It's the chocolate in my pocket.
Theres something about those 'Elbow's, Barsel ;-)
And the chocolate in her pocket.
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Thanks all. Found some in a local shop. Haven't seen any in the big supermarkets, has anyone else?
@23.43 That's strange because its still the best selling chocolate., and the one bar that they've just bought out with 30% less sugar is just as good as the full sugar.
lynne would chocolate not melt in your pocket?

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Cadbury Orange Twirl

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