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But its a baby human. They are no cute like kittens and puppies. sweet.

When my daughter was born she had to go on the special baby ward. She looked like a toddler compared to some of them.
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Yeh...not quite as fuzzy...
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That was to wolf...;)
My youngest was early and went into SCBU, she looked tiny to me but huge against the teeny ones - lovely Ad.
It is... but must be heartbreaking for those who have lost early babies. A difficult one.
Mine was 7lb 14...she was just a tiny bit poorly.
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Really tiny ones look like they sit in the palm of your hand. I just want to cry when I hear/see this ad.
Oh god bless the wee things.

Aww, so sweet. Those little babies are stronger than what we think. Beautiful!
Aww the little darlings, so tiny, so innocent. How can anybody hurt a baby ??
My grandson was 1-10 Oz , he was 3.5 months early
Wow, that's early. From what you say about him now though, he's more than made up for it ….
Yes , he’s a big strapping 6 footer HereIam
Looking down on his little Gran .. !
Yep, although I’m 5-5and a half, look taller as I’ve got 31 inch legs haha
Short body, long legs (heehee) !

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