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Theatre Shows

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jennyjoan | 11:50 Thu 28th Nov 2019 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I never go to them because I can't hear them too well - however I have just gone on to one site and haven't went through "What's On" but can see that at least one of the show will be captioned. Now that would be brilliant for me. Anybody tell me how that it is done when the show is live. Thanks.


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I went to one once, and there was a sort of screen to the left of the stage with the words on. It was really well done.
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OMG Helly - I am going to book for all the shows that are captioned - I will truly love that and especially in my favourite theatre. Thanks - later on will have a peruse and book. bye
I go to the theatre quite regularly, but have never heard of that before, or seen it. You learn something new every day !
If you look up “closed caption London theatres” a list of all theatres with this will come up
At live operas they often have a screen displaying the words in English. Same thing I expect. (Operas are mostly in 'forrin' you know). ;o)
Some theatres have their own captioning equipment and captioners, but others use a company called Stagetext. So check your local theatre for captioner shows and look for an Access tab, or check the Stagetext listings here.
// (Operas are mostly in 'forrin' you know). ;o)//

the very thought I had - they were called 'surtitles' and were projected onto a band at the top of the theatre arch

You dont really need to know the plots to operas - Sesto - Handel can be summed up as - it is set in Rome and they sing a lot.
Originally for two castrati - now it is two sopranos who gad around in Roman armour - like I said you dont really need to know ....

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