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Are You A Christmas Decoration Superfan?

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naomi24 | 18:28 Mon 02nd Dec 2019 | ChatterBank
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Deck your balls with poison ivy
Falalalala ouch ouch ouch
Drink too much and annoy your wifey
Then you wonder why that she's a grouch
Carve the Turkey into mincemeat
Make comments about the Parsons nose
Light your farts when you flame the pudding
Falalala that's how it goes
There have been times the house resembles a grotto, when the Children were small and again when Grandchildren came along.

This past few years I have still done the big tree and a few festive touches around but this year I have limited reach and strength following a fracture so things will be less decorative.
Care to elaborate on your 'festive touches' hmmm?
No decorations here.
What do you want decking?

On second thoughts, don't answer that ;-)
I always have done, purely for the children, and now granddaughter. However, one of my dogs will definitely eat the tree if I put it up, so really not sure what to do this year. I have always taken everything down before new year, as it's done by then.
There’s nothing at all I dislike about the festive period, it’s our Christian festival the same as other religions have theirs ,
not really, though my family go to town a bit

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