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10ClarionSt | 16:44 Sat 04th Jan 2020 | ChatterBank
4 Answers a recent post, I had been to Florida 11 times when I thought it was a dump with sunshine. I said why I thought it was a dump with sunshine but I went back because I'm a kind, caring, thoughtful, unselfish dad and granddad. And very modest!


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Nothing to do with the golf, then?
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Nah. The courses aren't as good as they make out. I played Magnolia and it has approx 150 bunkers. I think I landed in all of them! :o(
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On Kissimmee Golf Course, a huge bird swooped down near me and made off with a large snake! On the 8th hole we had to leg it from a gator. The joys of golf!
// but I went back because I'm a kind, caring, thoughtful, unselfish dad //
and thought to yourself that it couldnt that bad and so you went
for another lesson
to see if it were really the case ( it was )

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