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LadyCG | 18:48 Sat 18th Jan 2020 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
What are you eating, drinking, watching tonight?

White wine, an Indian takeaway and a DVD for us. I'm not sure what movie but I'll have a root around and see what the in-laws have got. We're house-sitting while they cruise around the Caribbean. At least their house isn't a building site like ours.


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Sony movies classic are doing a run of them at the moment. I watched Georgy Girl the other day and a Taste of Honey is coming soon. They all make the 60s look very poor, dank and depressing for most people but the acting is superb.
I liked A Taste Of Honey. And The Family Way
A kind of loving is also a great film of that era.
Also This sporting life.
The '60s were fine from my perspective. I learned to sew and made mini-skirts. I was 10 in 1960 and began teaching in 1972 - that puts it into a time frame.

Re. OP I've made spaghetti carbonara to an Italian recipe inc. white wine and garlic, accompanied by a tomato salad; we're watching the snooker … and I'm off to bed. Singing at 10 tomorrow morning so have to be up early to wake up self and voice. :)
The 70s were fine from my perspective. Best decade ever.
So it was, 237SJ
I was laying down in the bath that other day. Reminded me of when I used to lay in the bath for hours whilst preening myself when I was 15 years of age before going to the disco. One hour in the bath and two hours to get the hair right. That all took place to the sound of ABBA on the radio. Happy days. I loved being vain in those days. There was nothing like it.
I used to walk down the road to the Marisco in Woolacombe and used to listen to a DJ called Froggie/Froggy? I think he played soul music. I wonder what happened to him.
One hour in the bath

So had I, sometimes in a pair of brand new shrink fit Levi jean's. Blue legs ( and other things ) for a week after doing that.

I remember sitting in the bath whilst trying to shrink my Brutus jeans. I wonder what happened to Brutus jeans?
You can still get Brutus shirts ( remember them, usually checked with short sleeves, skinhead style ).

Do you remember this ad, 237SJ
Tonyav. Yes, I remember that ad. 1975 or 1976? Either way, I have really happy memories of those hot summers. Blissful times.
Blissful times.

Yes, they were indeed.
I used to spend all my time sitting on our garden wall in Devon whilst looking at the horizon and dreaming about where I was going to travel to in my life. The fantastic music that we grew up to spurred me on. We were so lucky to have such good music in our time.
We were so lucky to have such good music in our time.

We were indeed, and great places to go and hear it.
"An great places to go and hear it" Have you been to Devon? })
Quite a few time, 237SJ. Not for anything to do with music though, I usually headed North for that ;-)

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