Every day I have a joint that stops me from being mobile or doing my work. Yesterday my wrists were so painful and I had to 'clunk' them by flicking them quickly to try and get rid of the pain. I have to do the same thing in my ankles. Today I woke up and my left knee was out of joint, I couldn't bend it. I had to struggle to get to the doctors in a cab for my blood test, and when I got back, my right knee went out too. I feel it's the loose cartilage under the knee cap (arthritis) which is getting stuck and stopping free movement. My knee specialist won't operate as he says it won't work as the stretchy ligaments would make the joint just sublux again. Is there anything I can do? I already can't walk but I need my wrists to work for my job!
If you have joint hypermobility syndrome, treatment will focus on relieving pain and strengthening the joint. Your doctor may suggest you use prescription or over-the-counter pain relievers, creams, or sprays for your joint pain. They may also recommend certain exercises or physical therapy.
I don't think there is an awful lot we can do with such distressing things like this,not if the specialist. Some people swear on a hot bath and there are many herbal remedies.
Apc, I would love that! I don't know anyone else in my situation. I probably have EDS too- symptoms like a hiatus hernia, asthma and eczema from a baby (leaky gut?), tinnitus, neuropathy etc. I spend my weekends in my room saving up energy and resting my painful joints so I can do one hours work on a Monday! How about you?