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Aog, I Hope Youre Okay

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Bobbisox1 | 11:49 Thu 30th Jan 2020 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
never posted or looked in since Jan 15th,
I hope he’s alright anc just taking a break


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I'll second that Bobbi.
Would think his fingers are just a bit sore. :0)
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I like AOG, he takes some stick and he gives it, a good balance to have

( hope you’re feeling better each passing day LB)
Yes I am thank you. I went for a drive in the sunshine yesterday and it was lovely.
I hope we here from AOG soon.
Aye it's been a while. 15th.
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I also hope he is OK, Bobbisox.
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Hope he's OK. While we're at it, what about Baldric? Last post 13th Oct. 2019 & his last post was entitled, 'I had a strange dream' !!!
I hope he is well and returns soon.
I too wish aog well.
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Yes and Baldric too, I liked him
I remember AOG mentioning he was ill over Christmas. I thought he'd recovered. Hope it's not a relapse.
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Oh dear me too jim360, always a problem when people such as AOG go awol
I too wish AOG well.

As 'senior gentlemen' of the site, we clash heavily and often, but we never bear any serious ill will for long, and have managed to co-exist for a number of years in reasonable harmony.

I would miss him were his regular OP's in News to cease.
Sending my best too and hoping you'll soon be back.
I hope AOG and Baldric are alright.

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Aog, I Hope Youre Okay

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