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Happy Brexit Day...

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Spicerack | 01:06 Fri 31st Jan 2020 | ChatterBank
46 Answers


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Just watched this, the Finnish is in sight:
01:07 Fri 31st Jan 2020
i have a shedload of problems, but Brexit which i voted for, isn't one of them.
I'm not sure that stealing the words of a great war leader and stapling them to this cobbled together mass insanity is good thinking.

Are we to have Spam and endless choruses of Knees Up Mother Brown to complete the inappropriateness?
According to Sir Surly Grimgob, world authority on ruffuless featheritis, Remainders should get to Boots and ask for chin slings to give themselves a lift, and try to take warm baths with scented candles.
Good day today ...
Less than 5 hours to go.

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