Also, pugwash, it is no doubt pleasant for you to enjoy myth and legend but you might like to look occasionally at what we know of history and fact. If Abraham ever existed as a real person (and we have no way of knowing that) he would not have heard of �God� because his supposed time was one when the Jews worshipped quite a few gods. It was about 700-800 BC that they decided to become monotheistic and opted for the god of southern Israel, YHWH or Yahweh or, later, Jehovah, who then became �God�. So naturally the unknown writers of the Old Testament wrote only about him. (This sudden change is the basis of the first Commandment.)
Interesting, isn�t it, to wonder why the chap who is supposed to have created the whole universe 12,000,000,000 years ago then allowed himself to be demoted to the status of a minor deity, to be partially restored less than 3000 years ago to become the god of just a part of the human race? But then fairy-tales are full of amusing things like that.