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Blasted Tv!!!

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Caran | 23:20 Wed 12th Feb 2020 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Got back from France and find the tv has played up. Can't get channels 3,4 & 5, it saying the channel is scrambled or unavailable. Also all the programmes I recorded whilst away aren't playable.
I eventually turned the set off at the plug and it came back ok.
Anyone any idea what causes this please..


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Which platform? Freeview? Sky? Something else?
Power cut?
Most likely the same type of problem one gets with a Sky box.
Eventually they need a wee reset, just unfortunate you were away when your turn came.
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Chris it was through the humax box.
Due to 5G there is work going on -different areas/different days. Freeview services will be off air during the night and a return is necessary.
The following will give the date of your area, which could be your problem.
return should read retune
Our Sky's been temperamental during the high winds, losing signal, not recording. We found during all this that we can't get ITV on the Freeview.
All of the missing channels use the same frequency. (They're part of the 'PSB2' multiplex).

The laws of physics dictate that your aerial will be better at 'pulling in' some frequencies than others and I suspect that you're aerial doesn't resonate well with the frequency used by PSB2.

So, when reception conditions weren't at their best (possibly because your aerial was being battered by Storm Ciara) there wasn't a strong enough signal for your Humax box to be able to 'lock onto' the PSB2 frequency and the box dropped all of the relevant channels from those that it could work with.

Turning it off and then on again forced it to try again to 'lock onto' the frequency which, because reception conditions had improved, it was then able to do.

If the problem keeps happening, install a signal booster into the aerial cable to make your Humax box's task easier for it.

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Blasted Tv!!!

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