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pastafreak | 20:25 Fri 28th Feb 2020 | ChatterBank
17 Answers


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That was hard work!
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where's grumpy cat when you need him
greta thunberg reborn ...
I was having a nice kip in there!
"That's Nicola Roberts." Newborn baby correctly guesses Masked Singer.
0h no, the coronavirus is here too!
A little bit of wee, did bother me.
'I'm having a bad hair day!'
Question Author
Thanks for grumpy baby's photo, roy. I thought I'd get away with making everyone hunt for the picture ;)
Okay, Lady! One more smack on the bum like that and we'll have words!
So this is the NHS?
"you did what with my cord?"
you wouldn't look happy either if no one sang happy birthday :-(
I said leave me inside until summer.
Didn't you know I was a Remainer !

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