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Hospital Laundry

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jennyjoan | 21:07 Wed 04th Mar 2020 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
I just looked at a hospital requirements of a person's stay in a hospital and I just wondered.

A patient has to get a relative or friend to take home their dirty washing.

What happens if a patient doesn't have a relative or friend to do so.


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the care assistants will put the dirty stuff in a bag in their locker and dres them in hospital nighties/pjs
They will have arrangements for such cases JJ, it may mean the patient ends up in a hospital gown if they have no available clothes in store.
My laundry was sent down to the hosp laundry and returned to me washed and dried with a little stud in each garment.
It will be done there, if necessary. It is just helpful if the staff don't have to spend extra time doing laundry.
Like bednobs says. I was rushed in, no time to pack a bag or toiletries, they supplied everything until someone could get my stuff.
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ok - thanks for the answers.
When I was a small child (many years ago!), I was taken into hospital during the night. The next day I was stripped and put in a bath, my rather new nightie went off to the hospital laundry, never to be seen again. I remember Mum being non too pleased.
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many years ago I was in hospital for 5 days and I know for certain I did not send any washing out so I probably had enough knickers for the 5 days and washed them myself when I got home.

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Hospital Laundry

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