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bednobs | 15:25 Fri 06th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
hsa anyone here ever won a large amount on the lottery? for thee purposes i consider a large amount to be in the 10's of thousands or above range


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It doesn't look like anyone has, Bednobs. Either that, or they don't want to say so.

I haven't but a member of the pool team I used to play with won the jackpot as part of a family syndicate. His share was just over £1.3m. Then my sister in law, niece and a couple of family friends were among a syndicate of care home workers who won the £1m prize on the Euromillions. They had about £40,000 each.
The only big winners I know of are the government and those who set it up in the first place.
hopefully I can say yes to your question tomorrow x
no, but anyone who has probably did it on the basis of my ticket money. The office syndicate I belonged to never won anything more than a fiver and a couple of tens, and that very seldom; our failures beat the laws of probability on a regular basis.
no, no longer do it...
A young girl who was temping at our office won 90k. Needless to say we never saw her again.

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