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Tomorrow I Shall Be Panic Buying Early.

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SparklyKid | 17:16 Sun 15th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Wine, run and ciggies. Also cat food.


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Is there something called Moaning Minnie at Filey, jourdain? Seem to remember it from a family holiday in the 60s - and nothing else.
Whatever you do don't run. If you arrive breathless they won't let you in!
They're be a run on wigs next, to help the over 70's look younger when they go out.
Not heard of it Brainiac - but I'll ask around. Very good beach and cliff walks etc...
Don't forget the spades for digging khazis in the garden, the allotment, the public park, the Palace, the woods or wherever.
Erm, be grateful you're not in America (unless you are of course...)
Quote - Ron Baker: ​'Armed American Patriots Ready to Rock!'

Another - 3 Seven's Divine Michael '​I only own guns to protect myself from government'
^ You think that odd?
Civilised behaviour seems to exist on the Algarve. No panic buying of loo rolls but we do have the option of bidets. Numbers in supermarkets limited and sensible queuing outside. 1 customer per till and the next waits a distance away. Sunny but cold wind though rain is forecast. Private clinic taking phone bookings and asking for symptoms first. Walk in patients questioned before being allowed in. Coved 19 testing only being done in government clinics to track infection rates. Children off school but with email and conference call classes

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