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jennyjoan | 15:44 Wed 25th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Maxie could really do with a good grooming - can I get him groomed safely?


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Lola’s groomer has cancelled till further notice JJ
Question Author
ok - thanks Bobbs - if I have to wait a long time - he'll just be a ball of white fluff.
It is not a necessary business so most of them have shut! Is it really worth putting your life at risk for a doggy trim, trim him up yourself.
Get a stripping comb from Amazon they are brilliant
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my groomer is a mobile one - comes to the door etc so she wouldn't have much to do with me - social distancing.
Gawd elp us.
You know what the simple answer is?
Pick the phone up and ring her!
You can't have visitors either
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Martin - I could do the coat with a little brush I have but it is now into his eyes - he's like the big Dulux dog and I would be afraid to touch the hair around his eyes.
that's where the stripping comb comes in as it has a little blade in it that will trim as you comb
I used to do a welsh terrier with it - simples just needs a bit of common sense!
Does she groom your dog outside or in? If you let her into your home, even nowhere near you, everything she touches has a potential for virus....very sensible!
Also with your health issues you must be in the vunerable group so why take the chance?
Also why put others at risk?
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outside in a mobile van - not to worry - tried to contact but not doing grooming at the moment
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martin - how am I vulnerable - just have a bit of fibromyalgia
Aren’t you also diabetic and other health issues?
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no not diabetic - just the fibro
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oh - many broken bones - would that make me vulnerable

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