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Being Nosy

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maggiebee | 16:44 Wed 01st Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
Just a passing thought - how many on this site actually work? By this I mean hold down a regular job which is paid. I know of a couple this applies to, but wondered about the rest.


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Enforcement officer n the Magistrates' Court Service. Arresting people on Court issued warrants and taking them straight to Court (Mags ads Crown). Boss was an ex armed officer who was shot and retired from the force. Partner and I were out every day in a caged van bringing people in and worked with the police on Cat A warrants. Never a dull moment. Loved it and do miss it.
69, retired 10 years ago from life in engineering.
Very poor health now.
I am past retirement age but still work in a school...not at the moment though!
I'm 63 and retired at 58 to look after my parents who had to come and live with me because my mum had alzheimer's and my dad had dementia. Fortunately I'd worked 40 years so have a good private pension.
I should be in Portugal building a villa :0(
That must be hard going carrot99 ?
retired. Lots of ABers seem to be, I suppose that's why they have time to post.
Like Dog, BD. That's cool. ;)
self-employed and just lost about half or more of my total hours, so not the best time in the world tbh :P
It was Anne but they both have gone now, my dad in 2015 and my mum in 2016. When they came to us in 2012, I said to my daughter, they are so frail they wont be with us long but of course once they had regular meals and medicine they thrived and lived for a further 4 years. They were 88 and 89 when they went.

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