The current issue of Private Eye has a very interesting Special Report on the Post Office’s criminal prosecution of staff – despite the most senior managers knowing that the Horizon computer system on which they were basing these prosecutions to be faulty.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for those who knowingly destroyed the lives of so many (some taking their own lives) to be brought to justice. Indeed, many of those responsible for this criminality have moved on to bigger and better things (on multi-million pound salaries).
It is time these highly paid persons were brought to justice for the criminal actions of the company’s they are in charge of – rather than hob-nobbing with the Prime Minster, they should be enjoying a stay at Her Majesty’s pleasure.
Until such happens, companies will continue with their criminal behaviour.
What is also sad about this matter, despite the group action wining the case, after costs that will be taken out of the award, those sub-postmasters having had their lives ruined by the Post Office will only receive of the order of £10k each.