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Opposite Of Nailits What If We Die ?

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Bobbisox1 | 22:45 Tue 14th Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
What if we live and get through this and stop taking stuff for granted, has CV19: changed you ?


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I'd rather sing than moan, bobbi - and that's really saying something. I've got a lousy voice! ;o)
23:08 Tue 14th Apr 2020
Yes, I have decided that we do not need half the stuff we buy each week.

Also a realisation that none of us will live forever, so, every hour counts, enjoy them.

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The thing i glean from this , it’s bringing out the worst in people where it should be bring out the best
Maybe that Olympic Opening Ceremony which so many derided at the time because it featured the NHS, might be viewed differently were the London Olympics down for 2024 and not 2012.

Other than that ...
I only got as far as the medieval black shepherds. OFF!
If I didn't feel depressed before, I certainly do now.
It seems so many of my posts attract a negative comment from you Naomi.
It really is wearying.

You're now feeling depressed because your doom and gloom posts attract negative comments from naomi?

Have I got that right?
//The thing i glean from this , it’s bringing out the worst in people where it should be bring out the best //

Too bloody true Bobbi. I have deliberately tried to keep out of these cat fights. Normally I would of jumped in.It is apparent to me that certain ABers are just not coping very well with lockdown and are falling to pieces.
I was following one of many spats and worked out two teams.
I imagined being a survivor and washed up, after a plane crash ,on a deserted Pacific Island .I had one fellow survivor with me but who would I want that to be?
The more fierce the AB cat fight became the list increased as to I would eliminate as co survivor.
Certainly some very gloomy negative ABers out there at the moment. As the days in lock down increases the pressure builds and some ABers display signs of despair and appear to lose hope .
I would choose the positive type. Carrying on with optimism and a will to survive to see their loved ones safe. Get up and go types who can improvise and make do when normal commodities are unavailable. Yep Bobbi. My list is complete as to the winners and losers in a crisis and as you say. It shows some here in their true colours. :-(
I'd pick a bird.
I would eat it. :-)
but I would share a breast with you spicey.

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