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Ow. Bloody Ow.

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Mozz71 | 10:13 Mon 20th Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
So I just had to pop a rather nasty spot. On my eyelid.

Until then, I thought that inside the nostril was the worse place to have a spot. Anyone have any unfortunately place zits, warts or growths they don't mind sharing, to cheer me up?


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Not me but Dave, he developed a large warty growth in his groin very near his nuts We went to the minor ops clinic and I commented it looked like cauliflower Much stupid giggling on the lines of the nurses never seeing a man with meat and three veg before.
07:42 Tue 21st Apr 2020
thank you threshold

I agree words are impt

Doctor Doctor my glans penis has a zit on it - exit actually !
Doctor - then why are you staring at me with those rather bleary eyes?

ex=zit - geddit ?
I once had a cyst removed from inside my mouth. The nurse said that the injection of the local anaesthetic might hurt a little bit. I think she was joking. It was certainly an ow ow ow moment.
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PP, it's already popped now, so not much I can do aside keeping it clean and hoping nothing gruesome happens.
A patch and a parrot, Mozz? I'm whittling you a sturdy wooden leg to complete the ensemble. :-)
So I said to my neighbour with a wooden leg, an eyepatch and a parrot perched on his shoulder, "Morning LJ" 'cos that's his name. :-)
I suffer with cold sores and the latest spot they have appeared is inside the nostril which is very painful and very difficult to apply Zovirax to. I also had a huge one on the inside of my bottom lip whilst on holiday which made eating very difficult. Fortunately I was able to drink g&t through a straw.
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//I also had a huge one on the inside of my bottom lip whilst on holiday//

So glad to see.The word "lip" there, or that was a very different post :o)
Not me but Dave, he developed a large warty growth in his groin very near his nuts
We went to the minor ops clinic and I commented it looked like cauliflower
Much stupid giggling on the lines of the nurses never seeing a man with meat and three veg before.
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Aaaaaand we have a BA.

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Ow. Bloody Ow.

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