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Uncle Is Hanging On In There

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LadyCG | 21:07 Wed 22nd Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
He's been in since 07 April with Covid and yesterday he had a successful tracheostomy. He's now down to 50% oxygen.

He's a fighter, that's for sure.


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Sending extra strength x
Not a good place to be LadyCG but under the circumstances the best place. Wishing him a full recovery.
I wish him well Lcg
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Thanks all. My colleague who was on call tonight on MHDU reckons he's got another two weeks of battle yet.
Hope he continues fighting and quietly and confidently, makes a good recovery.
Wishing him a speedy recovery x
Yep, fingers crossed.....only know of one other and she's young and fit - shaking it off with some impudence.
Wishing him a full recovery.
that is good news LadyCG.
Good for him, if he's got a 40 yr old daughter he must be getting on a bit himself. He's certainly not giving in, I hope we hear of a full recovery soon.
Hope he continues to gain strength and recover, LadyCG
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Thank you all for your good wishes.

I've just realised I should have flown to Famagusta today. I've not had a refund yet.

Our Andrea Bocelli concert on 05 September has been rescheduled to 24.09.21.

Great, but what about our flights and hotel which we paid in full? Do we still fly to Zurich or try to get our money back?

If you paid on credit card, you can use an s75 form to get your money back.

Hope your uncle continues to improve!
Hope he can keep fighting, here's hoping for a good recovery.
weaning of these unfortunate patients is far harder than expected
14 d seems the norm
My friend was on a ventilator for 3 weeks, asked his brother could they switch it off as they said they have done as much as they could do, brother said no, was moved to another hospital where they performed a tracheotomy so they could try him off the ventilator and he woke up a day or so later, he panicked because he couldn't talk or see so was sedated, got a phone call saying his heart is struggling and now might not even make the next 24 hours :( anyone who says covid is just a cold needs to know this is dangerous. I hope your uncle pulls through x
Wishing him, and you all the best CG xxx
he sounds like a fighter Lcg that's for sure
wishing him all the best LCG xxx
Tracheostomy is normal after about a week on a vent, easier for the patient both for comfort and weaning off. If the O² is coming down that's good I will keep everything crossed for you.

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Uncle Is Hanging On In There

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