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Someone Should Do Something.

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Theland | 09:55 Thu 23rd Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
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I’m doing anything I can to avoid doing something ie putting second coat of paint on downstairs many edges!!
I've washed the car, and am wondering if I have time to polish it.
so what should we/they do?
We went shopping, is that doing enough.
Woof; "So what should we/they do? You could do do do the funky gibbon.
Or the walk of life. Only a short one, mind.
I'd rather do the timewalk again
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The problem solvers should, erm, solve the problems.
I can't be bothered thinking about problems that I am too lazy to solve.

I am feeling naff and I plan to retreat to my bed and hide under the duvet until Frankie wakes me up for food. He has only had three breakfasts and two lunches today thus far.

I have just finished my supply of Heinz Cream of Chicken soup and it will be over a week before we get more supplies.

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Do any of you Pagans have recipes for spells?

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Someone Should Do Something.

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