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Check Your Hats, Just For Fun.

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SparklyKid | 08:51 Sat 25th Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
In the garden yesterday with the missus and we both had hats on.

Bought mine in Spain years ago and guess what....."Made in China"

The wifes floppy hat also "Made in China"

Go on, check yours out.


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I don't wear hats.
So unfortunately I can't join in all the fun.
I have a deerstalker with strings to keep the ear flaps in place.

Made in tie land.
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Hi roy, you don't know what you are missing.
Morning Sparklykid, never worn a one ,
We were outside yesterday and it was very warm but I believe it’s about to change after today
Sunhats are a relatively low cost item, so likely to be made in a low labour cost country. I'll look when I have the time.
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Hi Bobbs, nice piccy.
I have a Tilley hat. Made in Canada.
Hi roy, you don't know what you are missing

I'm missing a hat. obviously.
Thanks Sparky, nothing to hide here , once Bobbisox1 always Bobbisox1 , la la la la la
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^ Love it!
Just sprayed disinfectant all over mine.
Made in Australia,
but the corks may not be.
Just checked my winter bobble hat - yup made in China!
My Stetson Traveller toyo straw hat is the genuine Texan article. Looking a bit world weary now like me, but likewise has a sort of dishevelled elegance that cannot be faked.
Que? Hat? No understand...

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Check Your Hats, Just For Fun.

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