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What's In A Name

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Ken4155 | 10:09 Wed 29th Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Our PM has 4 children (that he admits to) and his partner Carrie has just produced him with a 5th. These are the names he has used thus far;
Cassia Peaches
Lara Lettice
Theodore Apollo
Milo Arthur

Armed with that info, what do the ABers think this new born will be called?



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Winston Watercress sounds good, especially since I'm told he was born Away in a Pret a Manger.
Oh Jno, love it, cos you're so witty! :-)
Ken - // Given his propensity to act like a celeb in naming his kids … //

He'll have to go some to beat Alex James, bassist of Britpop combo Blur and cheesemaker of note, his children are -

Geronimo, twins Artemis and Gallileo, Sable and Beatrix.
isn't Kim Kardashian West's oldest called North West?
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A few days back, the bookies had Wilfred down as red hot fav. Just been announced they were correct.
Wilfred .
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That's what I said. Named after two of the doctors who tended BoJo when he was poorly sick.
They knew. (taps nose)
Wilfred Laurie Nicholas

BJ’s Grandfather, Carrie’s Grandfather, Hospital Doctor in that order.
Apparently the baby has a full head of hair!
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They certainly did. Wonder how much Boris had on it? :-))
A couple of thick Sloanes wandered into Kensington Ladbrokes and asked the counter staff how to write a bet out. (probably)

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