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What Can You Do With Breasts.

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SparklyKid | 10:09 Tue 05th May 2020 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Neighbour yesterday went to Morrisons and got for me 16 chicken breast fillets reduced from £4 to 20p.

Any recipe ideas ?


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Chicken curry?
You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.
Crikey, thats cheap!

There are plenty of recipes for stuffed chicken breast.I cook them in batches for freezing.
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Curry it is then.
If your lucky enough to be able to get to supermarkets there's loads of reduced items every day especially near me, Business has been hit and miss for them over the last 8 weeks, and they seem all over the place, I for one have taken advantage, and my freezer is crammed. Bit disappointed that the brandy is never reduced. :0(
in a tarragon sauce
in a red and green pepper sauce
just steamed with a touch of salt and pepper
in a risotto
in a stir fry
in a sandwich after they are cooked
with a spinach sauce
in a tomato sauce with pasta
in a salad

or just leave them too long before using them and then toss them in a bin

smear them with butter and toss over them
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Great ideas johnny, am I right.
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Avatar Image johnny.5

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smear them with butter and toss over them

10:19 Tue 05th May 2020

Might stick to mayonnaise.
sorry lost connection ; )

smear them with butter and toss over them some dried parsley and steam
Chicken pasta bake?

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