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How Do You Tell Someone

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seanne | 10:54 Mon 18th May 2020 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
That you are not interested in a friendship without sounding too awful ?
She is wanting to be friends but we are on different wavelengths. I keep getting phone calls and messages. I don't contact her, but she does not seem to get the message.


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Eventually the lack of response will penetrate. Hang in there.
11:07 Mon 18th May 2020
She does not 'contact' you as you are ignoring her so what 'message' do you expect her to recieve? For all she knows your phone is on the blink.
If you want to put a stop to it tell her what you've told us. 'Sorry, but I just don't think we're on the same wavelength'.
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Update. She has just rang again. Just got home after queuing for ages. I said firmly , I have to say this you are a nice lady but we are on different wavelengths. I have friends looking out for me. She said ok I'll leave you alone.
Success! Well done.
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Thank God :)
Glad your situation is sorted.
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Thanks Andy. She won't be bothering me again x
And I bet you feel a huge weight off your back too.
oh that's good - now she has taken the hint, if she feels hurt she has only herself to blame since she didn't take the original hints, glad it is over for you Seanne.
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Quite x
jennyjoan - // ... if she feels hurt she has only herself to blame since she didn't take the original hints //

That's not really fair.

If the lady didn't take the original hints, it's probably because she didn't recognise them for what they were.

In that case, she may be hurt because she doesn't understand what has happened.

I'm not trying to say that that result is seanne's fault, in my view, she has handled this situation as well as she can, trying to avoid hurting her acquaintance.

But that doesn't mean the acquaintance can, or indeed will, blame herself - how could she, when she doesn't actually know what's going on?
well you can breathe a sigh that she didnt do any arnie and say

I'll be back!

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