Will they be getting down on one knee and asking them in a nice subservient manner to go home, so as not be accused of racism or anything ?....god forbid they dont kow tow to minority demands...
Good to see that they nicked P*ssy Pete. I just can't help but think that the outrage for his actions would've been quadrupled had he been a different colour.
Good to hear Shoota. I wasn't aiming a dig at the coppers though, they're just doing their jobs. The observation about his race was aimed more at the media, and lets be honest, places like AB.
I was expecting people to disagree with my post earlier in the thread but I have to confess that I'm surprised that they haven't even bothered reading it.
By definition, this is a complex issue. It's not going to be possible to discuss it in short posts. Also, the reference to "lecture" was tongue-in-cheek. I was just setting out my views as best I could.
I'm a firm believer in the idea that everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. I don't agree for a second that short paragraphs can fully capture the complexity of this issue and it's a conceit to suggest otherwise.
I suppose I don't mind people not reading it either -- of course they can choose. What bothers me is that people took the time to say that they didn't. That seems unnecessary at best.