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I'm Free!!!!!

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Caran | 21:42 Mon 15th Jun 2020 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Did my first shop for 3 months. Decided we have to get our lives back.
Family have been doing all shopping and getting newspapers since all this started.
Really thought about it. Safest place to start I thought was local co-op. No queuing, not many customers, more staff than customers. But boy!! Did I find it tiring. Had to sit down part way. Didn't do a big shop just a few cheeses, some veg, cheese biscuits, a pressie for O- sausage rolls, he loves them I don't. Had to get a couple of bottles of wine for a pressie for a friend. Really felt great to be out again but shattered.
Confessed to daughter and told her we are back to normal and will do our Lidl shop on Friday. She understood but was a bit hesitant in agreeing but she did in the end.
I feel so much better now the decision has been made. I will carry on being very sensible and won't take any risks.


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Enjoy your freedom Caran x
It's a lovely feeling Caran, almost normal but not quite, pleased you enjoyed it
Good on ya Caran, Well done, but don't overdo it, little by little. :o}
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I realised hat I am the queen of mouldering! I can sit in the corner of the settee and just moulder, I don't think of anything and it can go on for up to an hour. I have to keep giving myself a mental shake and do something- anything to get out of this frame of mind.
I’m the same - first time out today. Made a good start when the car wouldn’t start but a friend came round and ‘jump-started’ me! Then I had to drive several miles to charge the battery and finally ended up in Waitrose. Everyone was brilliant, it was so well organised. The only slight problem was several elderly men who didn’t seem to think that the rules applied to them! I was tired when I got home. Quite stressful really. Glad I’ve done it though.
I'm out tomorrow, No, not Primy etc, to a phone life of the edge huh,HAHA
>>> but a friend came round and ‘jump-started’ me!

But did they get your car going afterwards, Hellywelly4?

I’m surprised how my stamina has evaporated over these few weeks of furlough, it really takes it out of you initially just walking. My job is quite physical & I can see it will be very hard getting back in to for quite a while till I have regained my strength.

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