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Contact Details Requested In Pubs.

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SparklyKid | 09:28 Sun 05th Jul 2020 | ChatterBank
43 Answers
Just looked at a pub we used to go to before moving here. They are demanding name,contact details and times of entering and leaving. I say it is ridiculous, why are supermarkets not doing the same.

I would not go in any pub where I was quizzed.


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Therer was a Geordie on LBC on Friday who rang in to the Rachael Johnson show. He stated he had been a door manager for 20 years.He worked on the pub doors in a predominant student area and the the licensees were managers . When the profits were down he was instructed to ignore the 'Challenge21' scheme. He said that there was a strict no tolerance drug abuse scheme operating but was told not to bother to go upstairs to see what was being dealt and snorted up there.He had a clicker to count the numbers allowed in the premises at any one time but was asked by the manager to 'just squeeze a few more in' when they already had reached legal capacity.
Most managers work on a bonus scheme related to profits. They do not give a fig as long as they get backsides on seats. My eldest son worked for the Wetherspoon/Lloyds chain in Croydon for several years and I had often heard him echo what the caller told Rachel Johnson. I have no reason to believe some pubs will adhere to guidelines if they have,in the past,flouted the Licensing Act.
I think that both are true, the law is enforced more strictly and its socially less acceptable. Yes the law was brought in some time ago but I said it was the START of the change and I stand by that..its a part of the social changes that Gromit mentioned. Its not just the drink drive law....for instance, employers no longer accept that its ok for people to have pub lunches and then return to work.
I walked past the pub near me last night and it was heaving. 1 metre social distancing was being ignored on day 1, but no one should be surprised by that. All the other guidelines will quickly be dropped.

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