Sounds like you need to look first about whether you are hydrated or not. As soon as I get cramps in my legs I think back over the day and realise I have had very little to drink. I get up and rehydrate myself and the cramps go. Also check your Vit C & D levels and then Magnesium.
All musculoskeletal disorders as one gets older seem to be worse in the morning and it may well be worthwhile taking an analgesic last thing at night I.e Ibuprofen or Paracetamol.
As for cramps, I agree that one should watch one,s hydration, but am not struck on the vitamins and trace elements as useful
Over the years from 1972 from the shooting and a car accident then, I have had another 3 car accidents. I guess I'm lucky to be alive at all. And I do have fibromyalgia so will have to suck it up.
Ummm I my opinion,yes,unless one has a Vitamin defiency which is confirmed by blood test and even then I feel that it may well be dangerous to assume that the abnormal blood tests would be the cause of certain symptoms.