Quizzes & Puzzles4 mins ago
36 Answers
https:/ /news.s ky.com/ story/t esla-dr iver-on -autopi lot-cra shes-in to-poli ce-car- while-w atching -film-1 2058830
...so we can't even get glorified cruise control working, let alone full autonomy. No death, this time but how many will die before we accept this is pie in the sky?
...so we can't even get glorified cruise control working, let alone full autonomy. No death, this time but how many will die before we accept this is pie in the sky?
//Tesla says its autopilot system is designed to "assist you with the most burdensome parts of driving".// Crashing has always been the most burdensome part of driving to me, so it sounds like the system is working well.
22:37 Tue 01st Sep 2020
bhg, the Driver wasn't in control, yes they are idiots for not realising that the car is not autonomous but the main thrust of this post is that the cruise control with knobs on facility is flawed as it was this that failed to stop when it clearly is claimed that it will auto brake and accelerate in lanes of traffic. Thus if they can't even get this right how can they ever hope to have fully autonomous vehicles?
I think most knew what you were getting at but some just like to argue for arguments sake.
No the tech is nowhere near and is unlikely to be in the near future. Any programmer worth their salt would say that as only they know the testing required and how it is nigh on impossible to write faultless code.
No the tech is nowhere near and is unlikely to be in the near future. Any programmer worth their salt would say that as only they know the testing required and how it is nigh on impossible to write faultless code.
indeed YMB and even if we could write faultless code, we cannot anticipate every situation that occurs on the road because it's an undefined system. Programming chess for example is easy because the parameters are clearly defined, we just needed to wait for better and better hardware to be able to go through enough data and scenarios to eventually outstrip humans. driverless cars are an exponential quantum leap above that, even if we could define the parameters and the sensors and hardware are up to the job.
I remember when chaps of my acquaintance would not countenance an automatic because is would lose them their 'edge' when driving. This seems to be more of the same thing. Either you are in charge or you are not. In other words - why bother with automatic cars? I can see the point if columns of transport lorries are setting off following each other with one individual in charge in case of accidents, but otherwise no. We are a long way from that, thank goodness - and where's the challenge in trooping along one after another? Might as well be asleep.
//I think most knew what you were getting at but some just like to argue for arguments sake.//
Oh no we don't.
I'll take your word for it that you and Tora are super duper programmers.
But I can't believe all these giant internet companies, car companies and governments would be wasting $Billions on a white elephant. I accept that I could be proved wrong, time will tell.
//I think most knew what you were getting at but some just like to argue for arguments sake.//
Oh no we don't.
I'll take your word for it that you and Tora are super duper programmers.
But I can't believe all these giant internet companies, car companies and governments would be wasting $Billions on a white elephant. I accept that I could be proved wrong, time will tell.
BHG, the driver wasn't "driving", so, naturally, will lose interest. If you are a passenger with someone else driving, do you honestly pay full attention throughout the whole journey, and never drift off into your own thoughts, because you aren't actually doing anything?
However optimistic it is, I just can't see how this combination will ever be safer.
And these people know they are testing! This is the most careful that "drivers" will be. Imagine when we are all used to it and getting blase about it.
However optimistic it is, I just can't see how this combination will ever be safer.
And these people know they are testing! This is the most careful that "drivers" will be. Imagine when we are all used to it and getting blase about it.