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Falling Asleep

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lankeela | 15:55 Mon 31st Aug 2020 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
I'm due to do jury service shortly, but I have a problem with dozing off when I am sitting in a warm room listening to people speak such as lectures or seminars, and I am worried that I might have trouble keeping awake if we have to sit for ages listening to boring stuff. Is there anything (legal) that you can get to keep you alert - I do find chewing gum helps when driving.


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once did this, and not only me were nodding off a few were it was so boring and long
Just ask the juror/s either side of you to give you a nudge as soon as you start snoring;-)
And you could do the same for them in return!
Take notes all the time - you are allowed to do that provided you leave them in the courtroom/jury room at the end of the trial.

I found this most useful during discussions in the jury room anyway, it's surprising how much people forget.
Never done jury service, nor have I ever met anyone who has. I think I'd find it interesting, but the chances of my being asked are vanishingly small.
How much are they going to pay per day, lankeela?
When I did it (in the late 70s) there was no chance of nodding off as the bench was so uncomfortable
Hopkirk I've seen a few politicians manage it and they look as comfy as a park bench.

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