Not the same, I know, but as a rough guide I had a bunion op at Christmas. Without going into all the details, they basically broke the joint, reshaped it and then set it in a cast.
I was up on crutches and home the same day, and had the cast on for a month. By the time it came off, I was getting around very well and also managing to drive short distances. Once the cast was off, I had to take the walking steadily for a couple of weeks, and after that I was fine, although full joint mobility will be longer.
Of course, this was a carefully controlled process, not like an accidental fracture. Like Elvis says, it's very much down to the individual and the exact nature of the fracture. Do as your doctor says and whatever you do, don't push yourself. You'd be surprised how tiring the simplest task can be when you've been out of action for a month.